

PMMD: What is it?

Pre-menstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe type of premenstrual syndrome. It is characterised by moderate to severe affective and behavioural symptoms, that occur post

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Mind / Body

Massage to improve your mood

Regular massage therapy may decrease cortisol, the hormone we release to help us adapt to stressful situations. Massage has also been shown to increase both

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High prolactin + your thyroid

Studies show that women with hypothyroidism can often experience elevated levels of the hormone prolactin. When the brain senses there isn’t enough thyroid hormone in

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PMDD: PMS on steroids

Premenstrual syndrome more commonly referred to as ‘PMS’ is a common complaint encountered by women of reproductive age each month. More than 150 different signs

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Mind / Body

Laughter as medicine

Our society places a big emphasis on diet but good health is more than just diet. It encompasses the integration of a number of vital

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Vietnamese-Style Rolls

Packed with mint, lime & coriander these paperless rolls make a refreshing tasty snack on a hot day like today. They team beautifully with a

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Yay, I got my period…

Yay, I got my period….. said no woman ever…. unless they have PCOS      🙂 So what is the relationship between PCOS + Hashimotos

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