Increasing progesterone can be done in many ways. From a naturopathic perspective, ensuring the building blocks for making progesterone are fun in the diet is important, however examining social bonds is by far the most interesting way of increasing progesterone I’ve come across. To understand this concept we first need to learn about oxytocin. Oxytocin […]
Light therapy for premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)There is something truly magnificent about feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, hence it comes to no surprise that exposure to light has been shown to be incredibly important for improving mood and general well-being. Light exposure has been extensively studied in relation to reducing depressive symptoms, particularly related to seasonal affective […]
Eyelash + eyebrow loss and your thyroidWhere have my eyebrows gone? Madrosis is the term used to describe loss of eyebrow and eyelash hair & comes from the Greek word “Mados” which means to fall off. There are a number of different conditions implicated in the pathogenesis of madrosis, with thyroid dysfunction, my favourite topic, being a primary driver. How is […]
Can my thyroid affect my cholesterol levels?Yes, your thyroid function can influence what your cholesterol levels are doing… In fact, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, and the American Thyroid Association recommend screening for hypothyroidism in patients with newly diagnosed with high cholesterol or high triglycerides prior to starting a lipid-lowering agent e.g. a statin, however only about 50% of individuals […]
PMDD: PMS on steroidsPremenstrual syndrome more commonly referred to as ‘PMS’ is a common complaint encountered by women of reproductive age each month. More than 150 different signs and symptoms have been reported, and include a range of pyschological, physical & behavioural signs and symptoms. For a diagnosis of PMS to be made, symptoms need to begin in […]
My top five nutrients for a healthy thyroidI often get asked which nutrients are best to help support healthy thyroid function so I have compiled a list of the most common ones I use in my clinic. As always, this list is not exhaustive and the individual person always needs to be taken into account. Selenium The nutrient selenium is crucial for […]
The role of thyroid hormones in moodAnxiety? Depression? Angry? Sad? The relationship between thyroid function and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression has long been recognised with research revealing that both too much and too little thyroid hormones can cause mood abnormalities. In Australia, 1 in 2 people will experience a mental health disorder, and given the strong correlation between […]
Yay, I got my period…Yay, I got my period….. said no woman ever…. unless they have PCOS 🙂 So what is the relationship between PCOS + Hashimotos Disease? Studies show us that here is a high prevalence of Hashimotos thyroiditis in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome aka PCOS. While much of the research focuses on an imbalance […]
Thyroid and pregnancy: what you need to knowDuring pregnancy, a number of changes occur in the mother’s thyroid function. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCg), a glycoprotein produced by the placenta has a stimulating action on the mother’s thyroid gland leading to increased thyroid hormone production (T3 & T4) as well as partial suppression of TSH, putting mum into more of a temporary hyperthyroid […]