Our society places a big emphasis on diet but good health is more than just diet. It encompasses the integration of a number of vital factors including a sense of community as well as sound mental health.If you’ve ever spent some time around a small child it will be clear to you that they laugh […]
Stress really does influence how your thyroid functions!The relationship between stress and thyroid dysfunction is something that fascinates me as I know my thyroid function was always worst after periods of stress. Whilst stressful situations are something we all have to encounter on a day-to-day basis, I have noticed that thyroid patients appear to be less equipped to deal with these stressors. […]
How nature helps us de-stressManaging your stress levels doesn’t have to include meditating or doing yoga, though I am a huge fan of both of these. Countless research studies show that just simply heading to the great outdoors can be enough to reduce cortisol, a glucocorticoid steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands and secreted during a stress response, […]